Thursday, February 12, 2009


Krisis ekonomi global yang mulai meletus di penghujung tahun 2008 lalu hingga saat ini masih menjadi ‘ancaman mengerikan’ bagi masyarakat dunia. Di sisi lain, para pemerintah di negara-negara yang menderita akibat krisis ini, khususnya negara-negara kapitalis besar seperti AS dan Eropah, nampaknya telah gagal dalam mengatasi krisis tersebut. Kadar pengangguran global sangat membimbangkan banyak negara, menyebabkan puluhan ribu hilang pekerjaan dan sumber pendapatan.

Kapitalisme telah gagal dan tidak layak buat manusia. Sebab, Kapitalisme tegak di atas ideologi yang rosak, ideologi yang batil secara dasarnya. Dari sisi praktikalnya, ideologi Kapitalisme sejak kemunculannya hingga sekarang tidak pernah berjaya kecuali mencipta krisis demi krisis yang menyebabkan jutaan orang miskin hingga di negara-negara kaya dan maju sekalipun. Hal itu disebabkan politik ekonomi yang zalim, yang tidak memelihara urusan-urusan manusia. Pasalnya, negara kapitalis bukanlah negara yang memelihara segala urusan rakyat (laysa dawlah ri’âyah). Negara kapitalis merupakan Negara pemungut harta (dawlah jibâyah). Masalah pengangguran amat membimbangkan pemimpin-pemimpin negara kapitalis kerana kadar pengangguran tinggi boleh mengurangkan pendapatan negara dan memberi kesan langsung kepada jumlah pungutan cukai pendapatan dan cukai keuntungan syarikat.

Jenuh sudah umat Islam menghadapi penderitaan di dalam sistem pemerintahan Kapitalis hari ini. Pemimpin mereka beragama Islam tetapi cara hidup mereka adalah Kapitalis. Jadi, sistem Islam mereka campakkan, walhal satu-satunya jalan untuk mengatasi masalah pengangguran, kemiskinan, kebuluran dan seumpamanya adalah dengan kembali kepada sistem Islam. Sistem Ekonomi Islam menjamin pemenuhan keperluan biologi manusia tanpa mengira Muslim atau selainnya. Ekonomi Islam juga menyediakan peluang-peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat Daulah Islam (Khilafah) sebagai salah satu usaha bagi memenuhi keperluan manusia. Golongan miskin dan kurang upaya mendapat perhatian serius oleh pihak Khilafah sama ada mereka dibekalkan prasarana peningkatan diri melalui pendidikan, peluang kerjaya mahupun disara sepenuhnya. Rasulullah dan Khulafa Rasyidun dahulu tidak pernah membiarkan rakyat mereka hidup dalam kemiskinan, pengangguran apatah lagi kebuluran. Mereka semua dapat menikmati hidup yang sejahtera di bawah naungan sistem pemerintahan Khilafah. Sistem Ekonomi Islam adalah satu-satunya sistem ekonomi yang telah Allah Swt. turunkan. Dialah Pencipta dan Dia Mahatahu atas apa yang layak bagi ciptaan-Nya. Firman Allah s.w.t dalam surah Al-Mulk [67] : 14,

“Tidakkah Allah Yang menciptakan sekalian makhluk itu mengetahui (segala-galanya)? sedang ia Maha Halus urusan PentadbiranNya, lagi Maha mendalam PengetahuanNya!”

Siapa saja yang dijadikan Allah mengurusi suatu urusan kaum muslimin lalu ia tidak peduli akan hajat, keperluan, dan kemiskinan mereka, maka Allah tidak peduli akan hajat, keperluan, dan kemiskinan-nya.”


Hayatul Islamiyah


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Muslim Rulers’ Support of Israel (Part 3)

Part 1 and 2 are in the previous posts. This fragment of essay is taken from

Economic blockade

It may be stating the obvious but the Israel is land, sea and air locked by the Muslim countries. So Israel is dependent on the Muslim countries for its survival and for access to the outside world. What would be the impact of a Sea, Land and Air blockade?

Sea Blockade

Some 98% (by weight) of Israel's imports and exports travel by sea ( Just as Israel with its minute naval force imposed a sea blockade on Lebanon, it would be easy for Egypt, Syria and Turkey to impose a sea blockade on Israel further up the Mediterranean sea. Israel imports 90% of the oil it consumes, majority of which is imported by oil tankers. This blockade will have a major impact on its Energy requirements. The major oil ports are at Ashkelon and Eilat, currently the port at Ashkelon receives oil from Russia in tankers via the Bosphorus, which is controlled by Turkey. In 1989 Egypt supplied about 45% of Israel's oil needs but this has been gradually replaced by Russian oil, currently it is still around 26-30%. The oil tankers arriving at Eilat have to pass though the Gulf of Aqaba whose waters are controlled by Saudi Arabia and Egypt. This is a narrow waterway and a blockade can easily be implemented. The port at Eilat is strategic as it will become a key point of distribution for the central Asian oil to the world market, BP plans to pump oil through Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil and gas pipelines via Turkey through the Israeli Tipline pipeline to Eilat. All the routes require the consent of the Muslim countries. Continuing on the theme of Energy requirements Egypt signed an agreement with Israel in July 2005 to supply Israel between "1.7 to 3 billion cubic feet of natural gas annually for 15 years."(

The blockade would simply nullify the following treaty, which really exposes how treacherous our rulers have been in aiding Israel:

“Ships of Israel, and cargo destined for or coming from Israel, shall enjoy the right of free passage through the Suez Canal and its approach through the Gulf of Suez and the Mediterranean Sea on the basis of the Constantinople convention of 1888”

“The parties consider the strait of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba to be international waterways open to all nations for unimpeded and non-suspendable freedom of navigation and overflight.

“it is agreed that such relations will include normal commercial sales of oil by Egypt to Israel, and that Israel shall be fully entitled to make bids for Egyptian-origin oil”( Treaty Of Peace Between The State Of Israel and The Arab Republic of Egypt - 26/03/1979)

Treaty Of Peace Between The State Of Israel and The Arab Republic of Egypt - 26/03/1979

The sea blockade would also curb the shipment of vitally needed water to Israel from Turkey. Israel and Turkey signed a 'water for arms' agreement in Jan 2004 where Turkey would “ship 50 million cubic metres of water a year for 20 years from the river Manavgat in Anatolia”(Guardian UK) to Israel in water tankers.